With Your Support

I am always happy to help pups in need with my photography, whenever and wherever possible.

A beautiful photo can be the difference between a dog finding a home or not. A happy smiling dog vs. a scared, ears back, saucer eyed pup can either attract or deter a family from even wanting to meet with that dog. Many times in shelters and rescues, dogs can be overwhelmed, scared, sad or all of the above and more. Capturing a happy, beautiful photo of an otherwise wonderful dog in a stressful environment can be difficult. Sometimes its a great dog, who has been in a shelter or foster for many months and they just need some new photos to help start the conversation about them and get the word out to help them find a home.

I have many friends in the rescue community and will be reached out to on occasion to help a pup in need get some new and beautiful photos of them to help them attract the attention of their forever home. I do not get compensated for many of these sessions, and if I do, it’s at a sliver of a fraction of what the work should actually go for because I don’t like charging rescues when the money can go to help the dogs.

If you believe in me and the work I do, I would really appreciate your support to continue. Everyone who donates